For some ladies, make-up is optional or we just don't find the need for it. For others, they couldn't even imagine leaving the house without it! My relationship with make-up is kind of odd as I find that I'm a mixture of both. All through high school I rarely wore makeup. Mostly because I was far too interested in sleeping to get up earlier than necessary in order to apply make up. But I also had this idea in my head that if I wore make-up and a boy started liking me, it could be because he liked how I looked with make-up, and if he saw me without the makeup, he wouldn't think I was as beautiful. So instead, I opted to wear no make-up and figured if a boy liked me, he would like how I look naturally, without any enhancement.
Nowadays my thoughts on makeup are a bit different. I see make-up as a part of my personal style-- the way I choose to express who I am through my outfit, hairstyle, make-up, and so on. I still wear very little make-up and my routine is usually no more than 5 minutes, if that. So, I suppose I'm still the lazy girl who still would rather sleep than look perfectly primped, but I enjoy putting some effort into the way I look as a means of expressing who I am.
However, I know not everyone has the same relationship with make-up. I was talking to one of the high school girls I mentored at camp last summer and her relationship with make-up was far different. She wore make-up to cover herself up, as a sort of veil to hide behind. She didn't believe she was beautiful, and feared that if she didn't have the make-up on, she would be ugly. It was heartbreaking to see such a beautiful young girl believe that she was ugly underneath the make-up.