Journal: What are you afraid of...

Today I want you to write down what those things are that keep you from doing the things you want to do. What are those fears that you have which stop you from just going for it? What are the excuses and obstacles you have in your life which keep you from reaching for your dreams and goals? Have you manufactured some of these excuses and/or fears to keep yourself in your comfort zone?

I've found that often some of my biggest excuses are just things that I've told myself are limitations, when really they aren't at all! Sometimes (well, actually pretty frequently) going after goals or dreams will involve risk, which can definitely be scary. If we never take any risks, though, we'll never stretch out of our comfort zones and do the things we dream of doing-- those awesome things that are written on your heart. As children we have this sense of being able to do anything, sometimes even jump off the roof thinking we can fly. As we get older and gain an understanding of how the world works, we loose a bit of that adventuresome, risk taking nature. We start using the words "can't" and "never." What are the things in your life which cause you to believe that you "can't" do something, or that you could "never" go for? Identifying those things which we place in our lives as limitations is a great step to overcoming them! Where there's a will, there's a way!